Curtains are that decor which brings beauty to your home. It is very important to keep them in good condition as you spend a lot of your money on it. There are many allergens, dirt and stains which can destroy your curtains and these contaminants can even cause some breathing issues to you and your family. For quality indoor quality air, it is essential to clean the curtains regularly. Many homeowners ignore the cleaning part of curtains and thus this decrease the life of their drapery. According to experts, keeping the curtains in a good condition will prolong the life of it. There are many ways through which you can maintain the charm of your curtains.

Tips to Keep Curtains in A Better Condition
Regular Vacuuming:
Make sure you are regularly vacuuming your curtains. They easily attract all the dirt particles, pet hair and dust which can be removed from vacuuming. Choose the best and suitable vacuum machine and then use it according to the information provided in the manual. Frequently vacuuming will help your curtains being dirt and dust-free. When you get down for vacuuming see to it that you are cleaning from the folded part of your curtains as well because most of the dirt gets accumulated in such parts. -
Steam Cleaning:
Know need to worry about how to steam clean a curtain? The steam cleaning method is best suitable for heavy curtains. Light curtains can be cleaning by other cleaning methods but heavy curtains need special attention and cleaning method. Steam cleaning will remove all the stains and other bacteria present on your curtain. Streaming deep cleans the curtains and even removes bad odour present on it. But it is highly advised to use proper technique and be very careful when you are steam cleaning your curtains. Applying the wrong hot water extraction method can damage the fabric. Determine if the fabric of which your curtain is made up of is suitable for steam cleaning or not and then go ahead. -
Let Your Curtains Sunbath
This is also the best tip to keep the curtains in a better condition. It is important to keep your curtains under the sun for some time so that all the odour and bacteria come out of your curtains due to the heat. Follow this tip once in a while so that your curtains can breathe fresh air. Before you hang your curtains on the track or pole ensure that you clean them properly so that no dirt or dust stick to your curtains while they are taking a sunbath. -
Treat The Stains Right Away
Sometimes the curtains may get stained and this will destroy the look of your curtains. There are different types of stains that are usually found on the curtains such as food stains, nail polish stains, blood stains and so on. It is very easy to remove fresh stains present on your curtains and the old stains are equally difficult to remove. So as soon as you notice the stains on your drapery, treat it immediately. Use a safe solution and right method to get rid of these stubborn stains. So this is also considered as one of the best tips to keep your curtains in beautiful condition. -
Ironing is also one of the best tips to maintain the royal look of curtains. Once you clean the curtains, iron them properly. Ensure that you are keeping a lot of patience while ironing the curtains as little negligence can damage the fabric. Ironing will help you in maintaining its original look. Due to regular use, there may form many folds in your curtains which will gradually result in losing its original look.
Hire Professional Curtain Cleaning Service
If you are looking forward to keeping your curtains in a healthy and good condition then do not forget calling the professionals from Mark’s Curtain Cleaning. We offer professional curtain cleaning services at a very affordable price. All our cleaners are highly experienced and certified to perform the curtain cleaning task. We even provide same-day Curtain Cleaning in Melbourne. We have been serving Melbourne for more than 2 decades and are known as the best curtain cleaning company in the town. You will receive a completely satisfactory service when you hire us.